I wouldn't say much about the fact, that when I entered the university in 2009, such a UX designer concept, as it is now, hasn't existed yet. When I started my first job as a junior UX UI Designer, it was 2014. At that time Apple made a huge move from the skeuomorphic design era to flat, and it was a trend. Then Google released Material Design guidelines.
    And here we are, in 2022, and it seems to develop faster and faster, in the IT industry. It reminds me of the moments when Apple created iPad tablets, but the world wasn't ready for them; when Google created glasses that were too ahead of the time. Today we have artificial intelligence and developing augmented reality, and it seems not very possible to predict exactly what would be the next turn of the tech world.
    Since then, my profession changed. I would say, I developed my skills and learned more. I started with graphic design and technical saving, moved to the web, then user interface, user experience design and user research. And it means only one thing: I never stop learning. Time goes, work changes, new ideas come and I keep going, expanding my boundaries of knowledge.
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